
NREL'sphotovoltaic(PV)deviceperformanceservicesincludehigh-precisionperformancetesting,certification,andcalibrationofPVcellsandmodules, ...,Estimatestheenergyproductionandcostofenergyofgrid-connectedphotovoltaic(PV)energysystemsthroughouttheworld.,NREL'sphotovoltaicresearchleadstohundredsofjournalarticles,conferencepapers,technicalreports,presentations,andpatentseachyear.Ourpublications ...,NR...

Photovoltaic Device Performance Calibration Services

NREL's photovoltaic (PV) device performance services include high-precision performance testing, certification, and calibration of PV cells and modules, ...

PVWatts Calculator

Estimates the energy production and cost of energy of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) energy systems throughout the world.

Photovoltaic Research Publications

NREL's photovoltaic research leads to hundreds of journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, presentations, and patents each year. Our publications ...

Data and Tools

NREL develops data and tools for modeling and analyzing photovoltaic (PV) technologies. View all of NREL's solar-related data and tools, including more PV ...

Photovoltaic Stormwater Management Research and Testing

To achieve PV-SMaRT's goal, NREL is partnering with the University of Minnesota, Great Plains Institute, and Fresh Energy. Stormwater Management for PV ...

Photovoltaic Lifetime Project

A 10-row single-axis tracked system was installed at NREL in 2018–2019. The site supports three PV Lifetime systems: 20 modules each of Mission Solar MSE360SQ6S ...

Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics

Learn the basics about solar photovoltaic technology which converts sunlight directly into electricity.

Photovoltaic Performance

NREL scientists study the long-term performance, reliability, and failures of photovoltaic (PV) components and systems in-house and via external collaborations.

Best Research-Cell Efficiency Chart

Learn how NREL can help your team with certified efficiency measurements. Chart of PV research-cell efficiency versus years, with 24 curves that all start.

Photovoltaic Research

NREL's PV research boosts solar cell efficiencies; lowers the cost of solar cells, modules, and systems; and improves the reliability of PV systems.